Visual Teases 3 Protagonists

Tokyo 24-ku

By Epic Dope Staff | December 13, 2021

CloverWorks will dive deep into the mystery genre with its upcoming original anime, Tokyo Twenty-Fourth Ward.

Tokyo 24-ku will be released on January 5, 2022. It will premiere a one-hour special first episode. The new visual gives us a glimpse into the main characters of the anime.

The first trailer portrays Shota Aoi, who loves to train his muscles and has excellent motor nerves. Although he is an active guy, he also helps his parents run their bakery.

Koki Suido was raised as a gifted child from a young age. He is calm and has leadership qualities in him.

Ran Akagi, the third protagonist, is the leader of an artist group. He conveys his messages through live broadcasts of graffiti art.

Shota, Koki, and Ran’s uneventful lives will be interrupted when suddenly a common friend who has been long dead will rise from their grave (not literally).